Never heard of this although I might recall someone nicknamed this movie title, that did. Seen at some dnb parties like 2013-2014. Dnb might be hazardous to your health, rip. The fun thing about the 90’s just on the fringe of what I consider really retro, and 90’s seems modern enough to me. I like the appearance of the film in the 90’s not too much filter but just enough for that soft light. Not too much tech and cell phones.
Ok right away this movies seems like a light-hearted comedy, the little kid swears as the first line thats hilarious. Maybe its like one of these look whos talking type of kids comedy. No way Carrie Fisher. The opening intro is all hand drawn child style, pretty cool. Like green over exaggerated monster hands, with wax crayon. 21 years later from what ?/ Oh yea the swearing scene. Oh if 91 is 21 years later that makes 70. get some babysitter crush with the bangs. Some people dressed in ‘business attire’ enter a building. They are dressed in some funny suits for these days. Flower pattern. Lizzy is one of the female characters names shes in love with Charles. In something I could describe as a Elaine dress. They’re at Jaguar, the car place. The building doesn’t have a handi ramp or a button. Looks like she has Chrysler or ford maybe Its gray with darker trim. Can see a Pontiac logo in the reflection. Pontiac being defunct 2010. Legs and heels. Inside the Jag complex is some dark oak with some gold and hunter green trim. Lizzy walks in after she just seen him with the blonde. Go live with Annabella or go away or something. Ok so Charles has been bewitched by Annabella. As the previous blonde interrupts and requires test drive. So just some nuances the sunglasses, the tie. Bus stops vehicles bicycles. As Lizzy pulls up on the test drive. Thats pretty funny still dont know what theyre really talking about. Ok maybe its a Honda or a Toyota thats a bucket. So theyre broken up pretty much it would seem. Looks like New york maybe or some other Downtown. Payphone again I guess would be pretty common. Lol a purse thief with a hammer , dont leave your valuables in the car she didnt even see. This guy with the ciggie now steals her car. OK shes in a court room, lost her car money husband makes it sound kinda funny. Plead insanity. Thats such a funny line. Yo im pleading insanity, not even in a court room. Nice a court stenographer machine thats hilarious. Watched a video still looks difficult to use. Lets see theres a jury. The defendant, bailiff, lawyers. The clock says 1:35. Defendant tossing a apple way up in the air like a jackass. State of Minnesota. Thats ironic with the Minneapolis news. Just seen a wintery city scene, thankfully its spring here . Anyways shes fired, so fresh start no car no where to go walking with the office box. New character, Mickey. Mickeys clothes and hair with the daughter ID card lol. So i guess they know each other from back in the day, Lizzy did something crazy to Mickeys Grandma. Another person mentioned drop dead Fred so hes the character that will come turnt hese peoples lives around. She reminisces. An old lady gardening is shown covered in paint. Imaginary friends. Shaving cat scene lol thats funny but not for the cat lol. They just throw the hair in front of the fan with some sound effects. This Mickey character looks fairly familiar. Same with Lizzy. Outside the building at the fountain. Another lady suit walks up and is like I realize your conflicted. There its Carrie fisher didint recognize you with that hair cut. Shes going off about how pain is your friend and pain makes you conflicted which is good somehow. Maybe for some growth but i think the idea is to avoid pain lol. Lol so pain makes you interesting cause Elvis was very interesting before he passed on. Wow that suitcase with fabric pattern on of those old style packed to the brim. With the loud buckle clips. Oh its her mom. That kitchen and everything . Looks like a bachlor suite from the 90’s witht hat white ceramic appliances, White drawers and counters with natural wood trim. You can see just with the oven hood the minor nuances. Lol. This mother daughter relationship is on the rocks but can tell something comical is going to happen. Oh. That noise points up. wow pink cringe room. Atleast theres not dolls everywhere. But I wanna see this Fred and the mayhem he causes. Some intersting camera angles and they take wide panning shots so far. city scape phone booth. Nice a man-hand crawls outta the pillow and. Well thats it smacks her as a child self. Ok so there is some victorian era dolls i think its tasteful not like in the other movie where theyre everywhere. Ok that weird effect projected onto the screen. Bouncing ball sounds. Ok heres Fred lol, hes the anti adult, adult. Its like the cat in the hat. He starts by killing all the dolls lol. Im grown up. Ew and funny. But its kindof cringe lol. This is pretty hilarious though the dog shit right on the fresh washed carpet. Right on the chair lol. No lets not do bad things to the carpet she protests. Still pretty funny, cant tell the audience for this movie lol the mom is freaking out over the carpet lol gotta love that humor. She calls him by name ok hilarity ensues. Sleeping robes from the 90s are cringe. Hes tossing boogers. Lol. Fred too much shrieking hes a shrieker like dude shut up. But he ends up squashing his head in the fridge and loks like a spitting image of stewie family guy lol. The guy is like a clown lol. Anyways onward with the furniture smashing. Maybe she should marry Fred lol. Hits her in the face with a shovel. Getting charles back. Such a weird plot story so far. nice he got smoked by the firee truck in some cartoon style violence. These flashbacks are hilarious and just trashing the set. Just flailing everything. Like something hilarious about throwing a drawer of cutlery around. Just mischief smashing windows. The Mom and other guy are pretty funny. Whats with the string on here. Those two jump out onto the cop thats hilarious. Oh the sweater falling apart. Oh so she has memories to be herself. Have to get you back with charles lol with a makeover. Shes stunning though but shes dressed like her mom ahaha. Charles looks like a used car salesman. Nice scream lol. He just pops in whenever weith that green suit. So its important to stay young and what. He sticks hes ear in a ear. Nice down at the port. Carrie fisher. Shes lives on a river boat lol. You cant stay here cant go home lol. Ok so ends up staying the night is the imaginary friend real or fake. lol now hes cutting her hair. lol
I never had imaginary friends lol the guy says .looking like bush. River houseboat so strange. So her hair lopsided. Oh buddy carries gpnnna pissed when Lizzy ruins her paddle boat to chase a speed boat lol.
Nice smash all the dials. The lines in thhis movie whats that water doing there, what water.. That water. lol nice so she sunk the boat. Imagine telling your friend that. I have some bad news, i sunk your house. Its like set up for the next awkward joke. I cant hjjelp but just find it so comical the nit wit acting like businessmen its just funny mocking papers and making funny faces. Carrie pretends she can see Fred now pushing the chair out. Omg strangling the air thats priceless. slapping it. Thats funny never seen her like this. Its a treat after starwars. That was probably best scene in the movie so far lol. After the clothing shopping scene, and action. 2 plates of pasta lead the camera into a skyscraper restaurant. Mickey and Lizzy are at the center table, people look overdressed and not really eating. Wonder what that place is. You cut your hair yea corona virus style. Another invisible Fred rules the scene with hilarious comments and faces. Omg her pouring out trhe water all pissed off is also hilarious. Love this actress thats just so funny and awkward.
OK this scene is the funniest. Why did you do that ? I didnt. -Oh yes you did. Even Freds like yeh you did. Could not imagine a funnier first date. Super childish. Shes trowing the food. why did you do that. Im crazy. Food fight. Gets dragged out. Nice a mall food coutrt scene with that baby blue. Theres a classical band playing in the center. Ok i love this movie so funny nows shes having a screaming match with invisible fred about her mother in the middle of the food court. Nice fred is a violinsit, seems like hje likes taking the piss out of everything. The scene shes beating the ol violin player with the purse omg im dying. Mom has to write a check for the smashed violin lol. Violin player all teary eyed lol. Maybe using some of the same extras here. With such a innocent undertones then smash everything. Look an old computer. Time sheets and clock. Doc Ryland hes got clowns as office art lol. Now doc Ryland has to speak with the mother. The leading doc in dealing with imaginary friends. Hes like all talking quiet. The imaginary friend reunion. Ok in the funniest joke the imaginary friend Fred has imaginary friends that Lizzy cant see. All these imaginary friends with their own personas and theyre dressed all outrageous like clowns. Some nice carpeted stairway that wood cut line going up the imaginary hand rail position parallel to wall. Neutralize the part of the brain. lobotomy pills. Just the weirdest characters and the nurse looks mean. Shes like I got black belt and i could snap you in two. Which would be the craziest thing a employed nurse could say. Lizzy looks on stunned. “Conscious or Unconscious all the same to me.” Thats some line. Thats why fred is so funny dressed and looking ridiculous. Nice Mickey gonna save her.
Fred give a passionate speech about comformity and the pills can represent that metaphor. 1st man on the moon paper replica. The character that plays young Lizzy woulda been around 1970 on my math..
Im sure she been in a few films then. Clearly the mom is the issue here. I think I just heard her say i think I love you less or something like that. Well that just doest seem like something you say to your child. He seems more of a fitting part when hes with young Elizabeth, but its so funny with ‘adult’ Elizabeth. Beacuse its so over the top ridiculous and gotta recognize that type of humor probably not alot of prople can pull off. Its mostly annoying but also hilarious and when you laugh its like encouraging them like the class clown and genuinely hilarious. I just noticed the old bug box. If the film is categorized as ‘fantasy’ the box could represent Freds genie lamp. Here in Elizabeth past, NASA juts landed on the moon. Lace on the table. Silver. Wheaties Same green suit. ok that makes sense. Young elizabeth is adorable the scenes they p[ull of the robbery and now the wheaties dirt bowl. Ew. tear it apart to make it better. doom. Hes on the dining table lol pretty funny. Maybe ill just get on my dining tabnle as I write this next bit out. Wasnt expecting that reaction. Ok now the audience gets the back-scene trauma that happened to Lizzy as a child, her mom taped up and trapped her imaginary friend. Even the bf hes like ‘ITs not right’ I guess thats how to traumatize the child. Tape it up with some masking tape. So keep it but if you touch it ill throw it in trash. Ok so now audience has enough to let em have it. He presents the letter. lol. Its good transition between the child and adult version of a character. Those weird effects when she sneezes. The kung fu nurse. Locked out. Something about the slapstickness of running head first into a door or window is hilarious. Nice Mickey with the get-away ride. Gotta say the cityscapes are really nice and nice lighting. Minneapolis art center is where the next scenes are. Or the outside of the building is shown. Omg these outfits lol. Liozzy has some crazy bangs and a fuchsia dress. Fred is wearinga ridiculous 2 toned green green suit with cape and cane. hius orange hair pointed up into a point. Just looks completely outrageous. Lizzy gotr some goth tones going on with the purple black. Its fiting they have a finale all dressed up. Fred just looks completely ridiculous still its hard to not burst out laughing. Nice a classy wine tasting. Feds holding a curtain pole. Just playing tons of pranks. imagine thats your job serving hord d’ouevres dressed as a shirtless toga guy at the art museum. Maybe ill apply for that job next lol . 2 upskirts with some who framed roger rabbit eyes oogling women. Oh what a coincidence. This charles guy a Kurt Russell similar in appearance maybe. Short in the front longer in the back. Oh look Charles just walk in. Hes like your beatiful must have you. Marry and kiss lol. Theres a scratching at the door lol guess who. Yeah grab the frying pan. Lol. Smashed the nurse with the pan. Got caught saying Annabella . Nice well that soured the mood lol even tough it was just getting hilarious. Threes a crowd. Charles smooth talks her. She took the pill. A couple times. Hey Carie fisher again, speed walking with a cigarette lol. She got insurance money for the river boat. Mud pie lol. Some borderline mental issues here lol. Nice Freds in the fridge. Ok so Charles wants to have an affair. Nice imagination fly through. Doll house.Its the dream version of the house. Exaggerated and distorted lines. Now a tree rows. I guess imagination land with some artificial tree. Obstacle course. Hey the 2 characters meet. Its like beetlejuice setting. So nows shes resolved her problems she can go home. They kiss then he vanishes. ok wake up from the floor back to making salad. Charles gets dumped by annabella, hes liek at least i got Lizzy, she dumps salad on him and a booger too lmao. Here comes the mom scene. Had a child to save the marriage. Nice suspenders. Now Fred ghets dropped off on another mischievious kid. nice ending lol. such a strange but suprisingly good movie. It has its moments. Nothing like a slasher just a funny movie before the new HArry potter style movies. Nice 90’s sax to finish it off with the score. I gotta work on the math but that was a nice distraction. Pretty good movie too, I mean some weird parts but not the worse Ive seen.