Everyone knows im a cards fan, good times being a fan this year.
The Pete Alonso taken down by the Stubby Clapp lol thats just funny baseball.
Im actually gratefull for the 2 all of them for creating a little excitement in baseball yes its good for the sport lol little rivalry still.
Ah man cheering on the team all season theres nothing like it.
Its a good pass time but i never regret tuning into some baseball and especially this year it fuckin awesome! So its still early in the season, I like what im seeing so far, its exciting enough to write a couple words about it. Yea the record pretty good and that mets ganme was heat so, do my part as a fan. I gotta say being a Cards fan is a great experience, theres no better team to be a fan of, and i can say the cards team fans are the best too. Its a welcoming team and Dan Mclaughin is good at his job. Yea Stubby Clapp I knew him with #11, Canadian first base coach lol thats good shit on the tv lol. No Emoji lol. Yeh i dunno i seen it in 2011 and i was just as much of a fan back then too. David Freese Chris Carpenter, Yadier was there yea I think this team got whnat it take too, Wild west style lol. I think its gonna be good times, is still cant believe that player managent dispute and the arbitration. Ah well now that the team winning its like whatever.