Paris Olympics 2024

Got the USA France Soccer game today. Its a rerun from DVR last night.
The opening ceremonies tommorrow. Or tonight sometimes. Based on the time difference. Its Currently 07:46 Am My time, 3:47 Pm in France.
8 hrs ahead. The Future lol.

Anyways Ive done Olympic commentary before. Im a little bit better prepared with a twitter and a Cable subscription instead of variety links but I will also be searching the interwebs for some rando events.
On Tv 2 I got Fij vs France Rugby. Fij Winning 12-5 so far.
Its Fiji lol.
Funny to think of as Fiji as a ultimate travel destination, but there are actual islanders living there and they beating France at Rugby lol.
The Soccer game is tied 24 minutes in.
Havent seen any interviews, or any other footage this is litterally my first look at the games.
The Mayor was seen swimming in the River Seine.
Im most looking forward to a few events, I have to get a program, but Soccer is always good, womens volley ball. The tradional events, Running. Discus, Weight hammer throw, Javelin.
Cool would be a neat experience to be there in France right now, can you imagine how expensive though, just travel accommodations, eating, tickets, water. Some souvenirs.
Hey would be as cool as World cup, and World Baseball classic.
But Olympics little bit next level. Watched the South Korea. Blogged about it. Skipped the last Winter Olympics. But I am looking forward to Italy in 2 more years
Theres a dude with a USA Face paint they keep zooming in on, its pretty ridiculous, big googley eyes, but hes having fun. Pretty funny. I think his wife or companion looks a little embarrassed hahaha. J/k

Home time 12:27 pm Local Time Paris 8:28 Pm
Just watching this opening ceremonies, pretty wild.
Ok So the started the White dude riding the metro with torch, passed it off to some kids, Kids get on a boar with the Assasin creed guy.
The assasin Creed guy proceeds to run through the parkour streets.
The Boats of all the countries Theres just so much going on. They had the giant choreographed splash zone dance. The Building covered in Gold Sprinkles. Umm. You got the Les miserable set, and Notre dame with Parkour. Oh yea Lady gaga in a lady flamingo type performance. Then it was Les miserables, on the streets of Paris and inside too. Then its a building with Marie Antoinette decapitated body singing, Then it turned to Metal, with Guitarists and Metal Band rocking out through the window. Then It was weird love triangle with men with make up in the library, being all suggestive lewd ripping up classic french books lol. Then it was the people on springs swinging around and gymnastics. Finally the parkour guy lit up a channel and the whole building pretty much exploded in fire works. then it was a famous french singer solo, with a whole marching band kinda jamming out made me chuckle. Oh yea Canada got pinched using Drones vs New Zealand team, 2 subordinates being sent home, and there was a arsonist attack on The high speed rail in Paris.

Um wow that was a lot to process, kind of like Les Misearbles cross with superbowl halftime on steroids. The whole city all choreographed. Meanwhile every country has a boat country party all the athletes look like they having the time of their lives lol.
Couple chuckle moments, this is a big production. Its funny to see all these people dancing and choreography together. Probably the wildes thing Ive seen on TV for a while. Also its raining so everyone is getting soaked. Back to a cut of the pianist, and the Assassin creed guy is doing another cut scene museum and a hole in the floor. All these athletes going to get a cold from the rain, and forsure lose their voices from all the screaming they are doing lol. Im Watching on NBC which said no commercials, but they only split screen commercials. I dunno NBC is pretty reliable. Why would I listen to CBC trash, like seriously. Link isnt even working. After CBC bashing Canadians for god knows how long nah Id rather get second hand footage, then deal with bias. Plus Canada getting pinched cheating on soccer, and Jasper Fires, the Calgary tax payer arena, called the Scotia place, while Scotia bank screw up has messed up pay for customers today, and the Water shortage lol. I’ll cheer on the athletes, but I want nothing of the rest of the crap associated. And, im not being a advertising target neither fuck em.
Back to the opening ceremony.
There are artistic figures in the Water, and their eyes all move its kind of creepy. Hmmm Italy boat is definitely having the biggest party so far.. And they ride with the Jamaica portion at the back of teh boat. , Hey theres assasin creed man, doing parkour in the rain., He has a fencing mask on It cuts to the production side. Some stop motion and hollywood effects, pretty cool. Its funny though because the production is completely dry and its pissing rain outside. Petit Prince Cameo. and ISS. LOL wtf now its despicables little yellow creatures thats strange. See what I mean its the biggest mish mash of pop culture, french and otherwise popular things all mish mashed together in the biggest French olympic themed thing Kind of impossible to describe. Its the culmination of lots of creative minds though. I mean IOm sure Paris has animation studios. NBC staff is chuckling . There It said it Illumination studio. Now its a version of Marianne the Personification of France looks like singing anthem. Macron is there lol. Break dancer clown 17th century ish in the middle of the river, with a skate park set up and bmx-ers In the rain looks kind of dangerous. Peyton Manning is a NBC announcer, the other 2are both Giddy, Peyton seems pretty stoked to be there too. He has a arm wristband note holder. NFL style lol. So he can make the Play – by plays. Eiffel tower Iconic. Those Bmx ers and skateboard looking pretty wet for stunts, breakdancers. Something hilarious about breakdancers in 17th century attire, I mean theyre owning it, but not something ive ever seen. With the frilly neck. But with like addidas stripe. Kinda got that weird mime vibe. I mean I been to France, but this is like extreme something you’d see in like a film or a old documentary. Even though a few chuckles still pretty cool and stylish. Seems like imitable . Smurfs hats lol. Cool mexico on a futurisic fly boat. Bateaux mouche. I dont know how you say it, but its a evening cruise boat equipped for a fancy dinner tour. it even says mouches on it. lol. Same as Montreal. Mongolia with the unique olympic clothes, theyre talking about, was on social media.

Freench rapper is on now he has a mini salvador dali style moustache. Snoop Dogg Cameo having a great time lol. And now a pop up fashion show on a bridge. Bionic Model with 4 prosthetics. Everyone is soaked lol. And theres a DJ in the Rain. Like seriously soaked. There was a edith Piaf style . Someone on the New Zealand boat making funny faces. Pretty much like a NFL event with some commercials. Oh Bearded lady at the fashion show lol. So funny with all the worlds conflicts the atheletes going to all mingle and compete. I guess thats kinda cool about the olympics, the sports not the politics, although it is or can be super political. I mean with Jesse Owens and Berlin Pre WW2 and the Racial discrimination he faced in the USA But did really good at the track and field.
Ok thats enough for me I think I watched enough. Good show, lots of variety, was like switching every moment to some kind of new parade scene.

There was more there was the Olympic flag metal suit wearing woman riding up the river on the mechanical horse, turned into real horse, then the branches of military raised the flag.
There was a Celine Dion Performance I missed at the end.Might watch the replay just to see the end. Quite the spectacle. Hey theyre showing it again on the NBC re-run lol. Just as Canada Boat is going through its still daytime. This is something you watch 20 years from now and see how much things changed lol. Lol I saw that olympic flag raised upside down. HAhaha thats a funny logistical error, but with so much on the go lol its just a funny error can spot from far away. Im sure they rehearsed. Still with the rain and all was pretty on point. Lol I bet comittee was like nooooo! watching it go up ahaha.
Metal band was the best Gojira. And Marie Antoinette. Oh yea I forgot the builders scaffolding ballet. in cojunction with the splash building choreograph dance.
Forgot the Luis Vutton Commercial and the baggage handler ballet. lol. Bell boy, bellhop. Arms flailing lol. just that many people choreographed is impressive still. Earpieces and directions.
You know it don’t stop on the Clayton Blog the Olympic action as much as I can get of it. What did we get we got the Balloon on fire in the sky. We got the 4 am here. Noon in Paris. We watched some 10 meter air rifle target practice. Mixed teams, I think China won, I swear that looks like a relatively easy sport, almost something I could do. Those little air rifles look pretty high tech and sighting and procedure lol. Looks kind of silly, but hey its sports. Um whats next. We got Australia VS Spain Mens Basketball. Its halftime right now. The USA Basketeball looks pretty cool so far. Actually barely seen any Canadian coverage except the soccer team cheated that still makes me bust a gut.

Australia winning 54-49 free throw, 54- 50 7:48 3rd quarter.
Lol. So lets get into the the openiong ceremony. Ok it costs 1.5 billion dollars. lol. wowzers. Like if that was here and the water pipers bursting, total waste of money.
Some people complaining about the trans, the gay kissing, and the fashion drag. Im like ok whatever let people enjoy their things, wasn’t too much of an affront in my opinion. Paris has always been a little artistic in a way that wasn’t surprised to see men in make up doing ballet. And, its a fashion capital, so fashion didnt seem out of the ordinary. I just think like give them a whole section, not just shots, between the athletes then the bearded lady was a bit weird. Otherwise, meh who cares, was a all in one variety show. to the max.
Theres a australian article Im looking at with all the ausrtralian athletes looking pouty in the rain ahahaha. Yeh the Horse was pretty cool. The John Lennon. meh, not a fan. Im not sure how I even feel about the whole song, message, maybe. John Lennon Yoko Ono, I think little bit of some ignorant super stars. Burnt out hippies calling for peace after being adorned rock stars. meh I like the beatles, I just find the saong a little condescending no possesions, like the millionaire telling me about possesions again, from a bed living in a hotel. Yeh I dunno. Olympics does bring people together, sort of. The rich non working travelling types, or regular folk like me on TV. Thats what I like about it. I mean, come on, 1.5 billion dollars on a choreographed fashion show, then blast me with no possesions, ok mr. 1.5 billion dollars in 3 hours. Can I have bottle of water please. lol.. This is also a commentary almost more than the sports lol. Easy to write about the things I see. Reminds me Pathee thats the french Docuemntary productions that I like. Lol the Aljazaeera coverage is just a little different .. heh had to check.
Lol one day someone going to beat USA basketball. Oh man Missing synchronized diving.
Ha it would appear a bunch of broadcasters skipped a variety of sections. Censorship much have to censor the opening ceremonies lol.
92-80 Final score for Australia beating spain in the Mens Basketball.
Imagine how pathetic you have to be to censor the boats going down the river cause it doesnt fit the message you are trying to spread lol.
Ahah its a touchy subject. Countries want to represent their best. Countries want to limit their exposure to undesirable scenes on the TV.
Then add in safety, and the climate agenda.
What we got next. Its the Badminton USA and China teams. Mixed double thats kinda cool both sexes the badminton gets super fast paced. Not sure how good I would do myself at this lol, probably just watch the shuttlecock fly past. wow youre kidding me 493 kph world record.

First day night
Had a ok time watched some Swimming. variety of other sports, some arena volleyball.
Watched some mens swimming semi finals, Womens swimming semi finals, seen Summer MAcintosh win Silver swimming. There were no Canadians in the Mens. So and Gold went to Australia. Internet is all busted up over the what I would call a lewd fashion show, with the bearded lady and the provocative displays. I would have suggested its just artsy fartsy lewd fashion show. But apperently on the internet been given a name of the Transvestite last supper. Just insulting Christianity apperently. meh. Seriously I just though it was a edgy fashion show I didnt even put together the last supper reference until later. And, heres a new one too. The cool mechanical horse with the olympic flag, the woman in the metal asssasin creed suit, is apperently the lone pale horseman of the apocalypse. So thats news to me. Um well with symbolism. I dont think the Olympics represent death. The Horse was mettalic, then grey. So I dunno its a stretch. Yea it was a hooded figure. Religious people so freakin offended by everything. Except actual war and genocide, I would suggest the shows success from how much people talking about it and trying to analyze it, when like a friend of ine said its just pop culture, appeal to the lowest denominator, hes kind of right. In a sense, too they were trying to please everyone, which is a surefire way to piss everyone off. lol The amount of comments I read online and memes was just absolutely hilarious, some people wer elike yea wasnt for me. Others fans of Celine dion, Otheres were like straight up satanism. ahah, yea the only think im like ok 1.5 billion dollar spectacle while people are starving, is that really the most humanitarian thing, plus all the jets and the climate problems these people complain about. Anyways something to talk about and critique. Thats what makes it good fodder for the blog. Well its a swimming replay maybe. I dunno watching on NBC, they have the best broadcasting IMO. Turn on my 3 screens ahaha.
So many choices. I got the Main NBC feed. I got some Womens gyumnastic qualifiers, some Womens Judo. Some swimming. LOL the NBC interviewer talking bout peeing in the pool lol. Atleast the main feed will show the best highloghts. Womens gymnastics, that shit is crazy how you flip and tumble at those speeds lol. Like how do you not get dizzy lol. like 3 flips in half a second its wild. Either that or their flippin on bars. Tom Cruise is there. Ok this is a Titmus re-run winning the gold. And Summer and Ledecky. Its ok Ill watch it again. Some of the commentary I missed. Summer Macintosh trains in the USA and beat the smericans lol.
Oh enetertainment changed to table tennis, lol. Forrest gump lol.. Not as fast a badminton, but pretty fast lol.
Ok went to USA channel theres some mens table tennis followed by boxing. That would be fun, travelling to play ping pong. Used to love to play. Fun game. Im going to play again one day. Yeh Watching this really makes me want to play ping pong. ahahah misbehaving local time here 3:15 am Paris 11:16 am.
So as a kid, I remember watching the olympics at either my grandma’s house or My moms aunt house. The folks would be like go play outside, but all me and my cousins wanted to do was watch Olympics. So as an Adult, its really like on of my super joys is just going hard on the Olympics. its only happens every 4 years. And as for the politics of it, dont really want it in my town lately. HAd it in 88. It was good for the city, but now, Id be kinda pissed if the city spent on that shit. Canada is in need of less flashy showbiz politicians and more infrastructure type growth. Not the fake olympic style growth. I mean real non showbiz style growth. Politicians, only want to be on TV and do flashy announcements, but they have forgotten their main purpose: core services. I dunno there has to be a balance. I actually think some Canada olympics would make a pretty depressing show right now. Anyways opinions. Ok NBC started to show some Mens gymnastic, one bar. The Peacock is showing Chinese tapei vs Iran. Very close match TPE is winning. The NBC guy Brody Malone fell off the bar after doing a crazy flip. Its called Highbar.
Technically day 2 late morning
Going to try to schedule from now on on the olympics Ok finally figure out the webpage, we are at Olympics official 28th 11:30 or so AM Paris time.
Just saw Paul Judo do a bunch of crazy flips, cant even count unless its on slow motion. With rotations too. lol.
I cant believe these flips like how do you even learn lol.
Oh Mens boxing on the peacock. France VS Ireland. No headgear. France won boxing. The stadium is a mid event stadium looks a little like a purple mini vegas. Now its a new match Nigeria vs Kazahkstand. I think the Kazahkstand guy got it he looks pretty mean. Well lets see. The Othe NBSC is showing a 400m meter free relay final.

Watched some Archery, Some Volleyball, Some Water polo.
Was getting a bit late.
NBC channel went to paid programming or something else.
aight this time Im on the CNBC. ITs womens Skateboarding finals lol.
Awesome Skateboarding is a Olympic sport, and why not. Skateboarding has always been a fave. More of the park style than half pipe but I do enjoy some Tony Hawk Hes rteally the definitive name when it comes to Half pipe for me. I remember when he did 900 that was unprecedented, not people pulling it off much more common. Theres also surfing, similar but also totally different. This in French Polynesia. Havent seen much of that yet. I saw on twitter a sweet tail grind by team USA. Its Poe Pinson I think her name is. Shes the one with the its like a tailslide Thats the one I seen on twitter.
I think I fancy myself a Olympics reporter. I should get hired by NBC or something. And go out there with a typewriter or a laptop I guess, and just write Im sure all this commentary could amount to something lol. Yeah that would be the dream right. Maybe less opinion more reporting. Japan just scored a sick top trick like a 360 flip boardslipe top score. Lol the crowd and competitors looks pretty jovial. Now its the best final trick section. Kickflip BS boardslide looks like for Brazil for 3rd place. Im surprised to see people skating in Nike shoes lol. Back in my day it was all about the pro skater shoes and best brands, to maximize your kickflip and resist the ollie burn lol. 50-50- to a kickflip out just barely didnt land very close. that was for Australia I think.
Yea Waterpolo thats some hardcore stuff. Im surprised Ive tried most of these sports. Must of had a ok up-bringing. SHoulda just picked one when I was 5 and go for the gold. I tried some Waterpolo, freaking tough. Same as underwater hockey. Gotta conserve and bursts of energy. Getting that height above the water while fludder kicking, and looking for a pass or receiving a pass while everyone face in the water swimming.
Horse jumping! Nice track not like a typical track its in the woods with crowds lining the track. Pedestrian bridge across the water. NBC is back on with some Highlights USA mens vs Serbia. Now Tennis Japan VS UK. Yea watching the Olympics reminds me of being a kid. Tennis Summertime.
Got to watch some fencing that was cool. Super agile sport. And, some breakout attacks trying to get the tag lol. I think the strategy is a good defensive block then quickly move into a fast attack.

Local time Paris 10:47 AM 31 July.
Wow missed a bunch of blogging. Thats ok had to do some IRL stuff.
Last I was watching was some Fencing. There was some big breaks in Rugby. Some Soccer. Currently live is the The Gymnastics Finals highlights. I know Simone Biles won again shes the most decorated Gymnast ever.
Which is pretty cool watching history. So just slowly catching up here. Ill stick to the NBC for a while.
Spike Lee Michael Phelps watching, popular event. Oh I think she does a vault no one ever landed before. Bro those flips on the bars like how. Nicole Kidman is there ahaha. I can’t tell what looks harder, the double bars or the vault beam. They both look impossible. The Twin bars atleast, you could like get momentum, the skinny vault bar, you need like the best balance, ok its called balance beam, not vault, and its 10 cm wide. 5 m long, 1.25 meters off the floor. Its for Womens competition and its own event. Wheelchari fencing nike commercial lol. Thats unique.
100 m Mens swim Freestyle.
That or like the flat floor section for gymnastics, flipping their body so fast Im not quite sure. Theres like a 180 in there somewhere. Watching the Italy team theyre all cheering. Mega backflips man. More balance beam UK. Yeah just crazy to watch so much practice and difficulty packed in a small routine. Reading how losingt o Simone in the Olympics isnt even so bad. Its like they all friends first before competitors, I mean and how many olympic level gymists are there. Simone catches air man lol. Couldnt even count the flips its like a blur.;

Well another day its currently 12:49 am On the Aug 1 Paris time. So that means just watching the days highlights, while waiting for the live. Theres so many events even if you were there in person with a porta TV you couldnt catch them all lol.
Anyways on the NBC live feed its Womens beach volleyball France and USA One of my favorite events, Hot bodies Its 3rd match point oh Snoopd Dogg is there. lol. That was Hughes Cheng Im pretty sure. lol Snoop Dogg is definietly a highlight of these games. Hes having so much fun. I seen him try to qualify for a running event too. Way to be a gentleman and a scholar. Out there reppin Team USA having fun at his age. Hes wearingt he funniest clothes too. lol ah just makes me laugh. I know him most from NWA and rapping so its funny to see his show a few years ago and now at the Olympics. Hey one day if I get a chance would definitely go cheer team Canada at a bunch of events, that seems like a rich person activity, and well even If I did have the money I think Id rather do World Baseball Classic first. No Baseball olympics this year. There should be but lack of infrastructure. Plus bad time for the MLB season. That would be a tough choice. The bunny hop fencing highlight. Some USA Australia Soccer. Yep sadly not seeing too much Canadians, Thats ok I get the highlights NBC is pretty good about it. CBC gone way down if that was even possible. Cant even watch it. Notr like I didnt try 3 times. Anyways its fine for the way I consume media, its like this for a reason. Triatholon coming up, there was some athletes barfing after the Seine rive lol, I wonder if thats coming up. Who knows for what exact reason, but the clips be online already thats forsure lol. Its fuinny you get some snip i clips as its happening, then get the replay later on Americas prime time. Then get some highlights as watching late night. Lol its like watching the GTA triatholon helicopter view. Its Womens makeing laps. 4:15 in Looks like such an odd thing a swimming race in the river.

Paris local time 3:13 pm August 1. Got Kate Ledecky super fan the girl going nuts in the crowd lol. Funny clip. You got Canada Gymnast took a fall of the high beam bars. That looked scary. More Simone Biles highlights. You got the 51 year old from Turkey winning Silver, with no specialized equipment, air pistol, he showed up wearing a tshirt and some construction ear plugs. Lol. In contrast to the Korean all kitted out with the crazy shades lol. Good for him. Funny clip the 2 shooters are making their rounds social medias. Um for today, got a Womens Soccer Usa vs Japan, in about 45 mins. Got Canada vs Germany womens soccer in about 4.75 hrs. YHeh going to watch the events that I can and carry on with my day. I just got the NBC feed open all the time. Who did I see Jordyn Huitema shes a Seattle soccer player that plays on Team Canada. She did an interview about shopping in Paris being underdressed in sweats whilst the locals all wearing fashions best lol. Yea even thouvgh the admin cheated Im still supporting the team. They got caught in emails to HR lol. Like pretty silly. Its like mobsters doing mob things via email lol. Just a funny juxtaposition Im thinking Tony Soprano doing emails and things lol. With a funny ringtone ahaha. Anyways. Im excited for soccer cause there aint no baseball till this evening.
OOps my bad made a big mistake the soccer actually on Saturday Aug 3. Better to be prepared though. I read that wrong on the google.

Just checking in. Been slacking a bit on the blog, so much to watch and I have personal matters to attend to. But, always got a few moments to write a para or 2.
Lets see some womens boxing controversy with gender not going to get into. The social media, always quick to point out things that offend people inspiring things not so much. Flava Flav was at CBC Canada House. Thats cool for his making the rounds. Who woulda thunk rappers and Olympic combo. Roght now on the NBC got a evening Womens beach volleyball USA VS Germany. Hot bodies lol. Those women are fit lol. Not like the Gymnast but in a different way plus tiny little bathing suits lol. Fun to watch plus competitive too. Volleyball is alot of fun to play. I kinda miss that with school the organization and the people to play big team games, as you get older, its harder to find enough friends unless you do some organized sports. Alright so still August the second 10:38 pm tomorrow early is soccer, not going to miss that. So far the USA womends winning its the Hughes Cheng team. I just yell Out ! lol. The gamble if the ball is going out or not. Nice Block Germany, and doing some nice dive save attempts.
USA won Beach volleyball vs Germany. Feed moved to JPN USA court mens volleyball. USA won the Volleyball 3-1 .
Now its France VS USA Womens Waterpolo. 1-0 in the first.
Lots of proposals seen 3 at least now. Thats fun lol. The one couple said, didnt need a photographer to capture the moment in France, it was on TV for everyone to see.
Ok Local time Paris 3:52 pm August 3. Got the Soccer open waiting for it to start, watching on Eurosport 5. Should be starting in 7 minutes. There was some Mens 10k run last night I seen. Otherwise not too much. Turkey shooter is pretty popular online lol. Just the appearance of the 3 shooters, the teched out shooter, the plain shooter, and the locked muscle joint shooter. We are live at the soccer field. Interesting to see the Euro Stream showing a few different highlights than the NBC stream. Lol this one should be good though. Its on a break I missed half already it seems 0-0. Ok second half.
Well USA beat Japan Soccer Womens. It was a 1-0 game. Got some Puerto Rico VS USA BAsketball. Pretty much tied in the Second.
Got the Can Germany Womens Soccer game on 0-0 34:45 in the first.
Welp Canada got eliminated by Germany in a shootout, was 0-0 all game.

Welp dropped the ball on the rest of the Olympic commentary. Had IRL stuff to do. Lets see some of the more memorable ones, the Chinese young lady biting the silver in the Gymnastics was wholesome. The Breakdancing began, the Australian Dr was doing some weird moves. Canada won the gold on the Breakdancing mens. The closing ceremonies was yesterday. They had a giant polygon shaped world . Tom Cruise had a zip line stunt, with a motorcycle scene to a aircraft parachute scene bringing the flag back to Los Angeles. Hey can’t win em all. I enjoyed watching what I could. I would have watched more, if I didnt have IRL stuff to do that took up a weeks time. Wow Milan Italy thats the next winter games. Looking forward to it, and hope can look back on time since 2024 to 2026 as a positive pleasant time. Looking forward to the ski jumping and the skeleton and luge bobsleigh events.

Author: clayton

Clayton L. CD 85